The Loungewear Switch

The Loungewear Switch

So recently, I was having a conversation with someone and they asked me, “Why did you switch your store to a loungewear, essentials brand? Will you ever go back to selling what you were before?” I also know many of you all have been wondering the same things, so I said let me talk about it with my shoppers too!

Honestly, the switch to loungewear & essentials had been an option long before our 2022 shutdown. To add to that, post Covid-19, I felt more like owning and being who I truly am and walking proudly in that. I now love to be comfortable over everything else and loungewear is just a much more sustainable way to dress as a working woman. But I have a true talent at making comfortable fly. Even when I’m at home, looking cute and cozy is always the goal. 

I also believe that as I am growing into my own womanhood my desires and pursuits are much different than they were when I first opened this store at 23/24. Knowing that my shoppers are also growing with me, I figured you all would be welcoming to the switch as well. We love a good, stretchy item that feels like skin when we wear it, right? 

On top of that, because I have multiple sclerosis, loungewear just makes me feel more comfortable. It took me a while to tell you all but yes, I walk with a cane and I more than likely am in the house working on KYK or working from home at my corporate job. So it just made sense that if I was going to be true to myself with my brand, I would have to be true to who I am right now and not who I used to be. I'm definitely still a fly girl thru and thru, just a little bit more relaxed and much more comfortable. 

So from this point forward, always expect for Knot Your Kloset to keep you cozy, loving yourself and those curves, while also being the flyest girl in the room. You’ll be able to wear these looks at home, on the go, and maybe even outside or on a date. Again, thank you so much for shopping with me and I hope to continue to keep you comfortably FLY! Happy Shopping! 

- Avory Charde’, CEO/Owner 



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